
Christian Minds: Pursue to the End

(1) To wrap up the Christian Morphing posts we’re going to take a closer look at Dutch Graphic Artist M.C. Escher and his last print: Snakes. Escher had unique abilities, he paid attention to the smallest details, and created amazing works of art.  Ever curious, ever onto the next print, […]

Christian Minds: Create

(1) The Bible begins: “In the beginning, God created….”  Later in Genesis 1:27, we see: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”  Based on these two verses, we know: God created What God created was […]

Christian Minds: Visualize Scripture

  Not long after The Unusual Suspects was released, I worked on an M&M commercial with one of the actors, Stephen Baldwin.  The commercial itself is below: Later, Stephen became a Christian.  He wrote a book after his conversion perfectly titled: The Unusual Suspect.  I didn’t see that coming. In […]

Christian Minds: Warburton and Curiosity

  From 1997 – 2003, I worked on a series of M&M commercials.  These TV commercials had a fairly large budget.  As a result, the advertising agency arranged for well-known actors/actresses to appear, such as: Dennis Miller Tia Carrere Santa Claus Stephen Baldwin Patrick Warburton Halle Berry Naya Rivera   […]

Christian Morphing: Renewing of Your Mind

        Escher (Top Christian Mandala Creator #9) produced a lot of Christian fruit.  Looking at his life and art, I found six key characteristics: Attention Curiosity Revisiting / Refinement of Themes Visualization Creativity Pursuit to the End These attributes helped Escher move forward in his art.  Later […]