The Cup of Christ—Conclusion


The All Saints Episcopal Church mandala causes me to reflect on three major themes:  First, what Jesus went through in order to accomplish his work.  Not just the physical scourging and crucifixion, but one who was sinless was made to be a sin offering (2 Corinthians 5:21).  That Good Friday was my Day of Atonement.  Christ was the final blood sacrifice for sin.  It is finished and through that work I am given access to God.

Twelve vines with fruit flow out from the central Cup of Christ symbol to the twelve apostles.

I next consider the transformation of these Apostles who fled and denied Jesus and later died for their faith.  Their experience of the resurrected Christ and their experience at Pentecost changed them.  Inspired, they began their work and became heroes of faith by obediently keeping the Great Commission and abiding in Christ.

Finally I reflect on my own responsibility.  I am a living part of the greatest transaction in history.  My sins have been transferred to Christ, he owned them and took the punishment, and his righteousness has been imputed to me.  My work is to obediently live out the faith God has called me to as I embrace Christ and allow him to sustain me.

The accompanying image is a portion of a painting by William Holman Hunt entitled:  The Scapegoat.  The full image can be seen by clicking this link.