I AM the Bread of Life – Part 1


© Kerry M. Pierce













Our small group is working through the I AM Statements of Jesus study book.  My Day 3 mandala drawing for the Bread of Life I AM statement is shown.  Artistically it’s not my best work, but the concepts are there.  (Among other things, the dove in the lower portion of the image looks like a penguin.  Sorry.)

One of the things I love about Scripture is its depth.  I can read a passage as a new believer and take away truth.  Years later as a more mature believer I can read the same passage and come away with yet another truth.  Perhaps building upon my initial understanding.

This process of discovering and re-discovering is particularly true of the I AM statements made by Jesus.  I believe this is due in part to the highly symbolic nature of these passages.

In Part 2 I’ll give a short discussion on Symbolism.

My plan for Part 3 is to turn my Day 3 mandala into something a bit more artistic and readable.  I will provide an explanation to accompany the new image.