Small Groups

Christian Mandalas and Small Groups—Part 4

The initial drawings for this image were done by yet another member of our small group.  They come from Jesus’ I AM statement: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”  Again, I’ve cleaned the drawing up and added color to get to the image you see. The progression […]

Christian Mandalas and Small Groups—Part 2

This drawing, done by a member of our group, comes from Jesus’ I AM statement: “I am the good shepherd.” The mandala has two main regions.  The region outside the triangle is spiritually dry and desolate.  The sheep in this region are not nourished. The region inside the triangle is […]

Christian Mandalas and Small Groups—Part 1

One of my favorite aspects of doing the Christian Mandalas studies is sharing them with others in a small group.  Early on I was concerned that people would be self-conscious about sharing, especially if they didn’t draw well.  In practice, it appears that the worse people draw, the livelier the […]