The Son of the Most High

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.  Luke 1:32a.

The Son, Jesus Christ, who was with the Father before this world was made, came from the Father to reconnect our sinful humanity back to its relationship with the Trinity.  Essentially, to undo the damage caused by sin.

Stepping out of infinity and into a womb

The image shown is called The Infinate.  The infinite infant.  This piece is about a relationship, perhaps the first relationship we all experience – mother and child.  Ultimately, this image takes me to the virgin birth of Christ.  The work is composed of the teenage mother Mary, the baby Jesus, and the circle of light representing God the Holy Spirit, the proud dad in the back.  It is a family portrait.

Jesus did not originate in Mary’s womb.  He existed with the Trinity before His earthly birth.  So here is this infinite being, a divine member of the Trinity, pressing himself into our four-dimensional world, starting with the womb of a teenage virgin and, in a literal way, putting human breath into the Word of God.

Not only did Jesus enter into our realm, but he also took the form of a servant.  Jesus, the agent of Creation, physically entered into Creation in a very humble way.

Merry Christmas