Christian Mandalas and Small Groups—Part 5


The initial drawings for this image were done by yet another member of our small group.  The drawings came from Jesus’ I AM statement: “I am the true vine.”  Again, I’ve cleaned one of the drawings up and added color to get to the image you see.

One is struck by how often Jesus uses the words ‘abide in’ throughout John 15.  Stick with Him, make your home with Him, and continue with Him.

This is a Day 3 mandala.  A large vine comes down from heaven.  The branches coming off this vine bear large beautiful fruit.  Below the vine coming down from heaven stands a man.  The man leans forward to harvest fruit from a second vine.  The second vine was planted in the world, and it abided in the world.  The leaves of this vine are brown.  The fruit is virtually non-existent.  “Apart from me, you can do nothing.”  The man stands looking at the small, hard, brown, undeveloped fruit of the second vine and weeps.