Parables – Part 3: Details in The Four Soils

© Kerry M. Pierce

© Kerry M. Pierce

There are some interesting details in the The Four Soils image.

The upper left shows an evil black bird who sits in the mind of the left Kerry.  The belly of the bird contains the Bible preventing it from entering the mind and the heart.

The upper right shows the heart of the right Kerry.  The left half of the divided heart contains Scripture, the right half contains gold.  This heart serves two masters.  The gold is almost completely in the spotlight while Scripture remains mostly in shadow suggesting overall priorities.

The lower left shows the Bible which is in the center of the image.  It is a double image.  There is clearly a bible, but the bottom edge of the bible’s pages and the pointed spine of the book create a stylized dove representing the Holy Spirit.

The lower right is a camera pull back from the lower left image showing the central bible, the bird, the mind divided by the Word and the world and the Bible in the mind of the good soil that fully embraced the word.  The stylized dove descends upon the mind of the good soil.  The suggestion is that when I became regenerate, I began to fully read, reflect and digest Scripture making it a part of who I am.  The effect was that I began to bear fruit as symbolized by the tiny Bibles emanating outward.