Old School Christian Mandalas and Christian Symbolism – Part 5C Marsh Chapel







The final elements are a bit more subjective.  I will give you information along with my take, using the context of the overall mandala as a guide.  In other words, I believe the final set of elements re-inforce the basic theme of the mandala:  The eternal and glorious reign of Christ in majesty with His bride the Church.

There are 12 five pointed stars in the main circular area near Christ.  Twelve is the number of tribes of Israel, the number of Apostles, and the whole Church.  I believe that is the intended representation here.  Note that they fall inside the inner most ring defined by the blue vine which encloses the red area.  Additionally, these stars use a color scheme similar to that of the vine.

The number eight is found throughout the image.  There are eight petals, and eight clusters of grapes (we can only see six) surrounding Christ.  Eight tear dropped shaped areas are at the periphery of the image each of which contains a circle with an eight pointed star.

Eight is typically the Christian number for regeneration, resurrection.  The association comes from the number of people in Noah’s ark, eight.  The association also comes from Christ’s resurrection on the eighth day after His entry into Jerusalem.

My interpretation.  Somewhat reluctantly I have to admit that the central circle and the eight petals is a symbol for a Lotus flower.  This is a common symbol in Hinduism, but it is not common in Christianity.  Still, this is a beautiful symmetric motif.  My take is that the Lotus design was used for the significance of the number eight in Christianity.  It is symbolizing the resurrection of Christ and a new beginning for the Church in Heaven.

Finally, we examine the outer periphery of the image.  Look at the blue shapes containing a circle with an eight pointed star inside.  The tear drop shape gives the feeling of eight drops of water that have splashed out from the center of the image in a joyful response to Christ.  Here’s the clever part.  Each eight pointed star in a tear drop repeats the shape of the main image of Christ surrounded by the eight petals including the eight tear drops.  In other words, the eight pointed stars are a visual summary of the overall image.  They even reference themselves.  These eight drops form the outermost circle of the mandala and their repetition suggests Christ’s Kingdom extends to infinity, eternity, and beyond.

This is a truly beautiful mandala.  It gives a strong visual statement celebrating the eternal, glorious, reign and majesty of Christ.  It never loses that focus.  The artist or artists who created it were inspired.

I will move on to another topic and return to Old School Christian Mandalas in the near future.