New Wine Skins and Luther’s Mandala













At a very fundamental level I believe that reading and reflecting on Scripture is the most effective way for an individual Christian to move forward in their Christian journey.  If I could do only one thing, it would be to inspire and encourage others to read the Bible and think about it during the day.

Christian Mandalas are uniquely designed to do this.  The visual component causes one to linger and contemplate scripture.   The visual component also causes the passage you are working with to stay in your mind throughout the day.  The Small Group sharing is lively.

Despite prominent Christians making mandalas for over 800 years these circular forms are often labeled as belonging only to Buddhism, Hinduism, and the New Age Movement.  The image shown is commonly known as Martin Luther’s seal.  It is, in every sense, a 500 year old Christian Mandala.  It is filled with traditional Christian Symbolism and builds toward a central focus point, the Cross.  That is a mandala.

Well done Martin.

Because of the association with other non-Christian movements our work and Bible Study Curriculum is often quickly dismissed as New Age.  It becomes difficult to gain audience with Churches or entrance into conferences.

This calls to mind the parable of The Garments and Wineskins in Luke 5:36-39.  You can almost feel the emotion of Jesus as he worked to get new ideas and truths into people’s minds.

Christianity desperately needs new approaches to learning Scripture.  Approaches that enable the Holy Spirit to work within the individual Christian.  Approaches that allow Scripture to stimulate multiple senses and multiple learning modes.

Please help by praying for our ministry, opening your doors to us, or simply sending a note of encouragement.

Thanks, Kerry